Project Team

We are a diverse team of interdisciplinary researchers and distinguished scholars across both Florida State University (FSU), Well Being Equity and Innovations, and Washington University in St. Louis. The team has received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant, led by FSU’s College of Medicine, and we are eager to partner and collaborate with individuals to address common goals impacting our nation’s healthcare system. 

We are committed to improving the quality of and access to health care for everyone. One of the most pressing challenges in healthcare today is the well-documented higher rate of physical and mental health issues in Black/African Americans. These disparities represent an opportunity to create proactive approaches for policies and practices that eliminate racial bias and improve health outcomes for everyone! 

The goal of our project is to look at new ways to improve access and quality of health care, including behavioral health. We are especially focused on improving policies and practices aimed at eliminating health disparities. We believe in creating an innovative approach to reduce and eliminate racial health disparities and improve health outcomes.

Norman B. Anderson photo


Dr. Anderson was a beloved colleague, he served as a Multiple Principal Investigator (MPI) for the Transformative Health Justice Collaborative and Professor of Social Work at Florida State University. Dr. Anderson created and directed the FSU Faculty Leadership Development Program, designed to offer leadership training to faculty across the university at different stages of their professional journeys. For his research, service, and leadership, he received significant awards from scientific societies and universities, and was the recipient of four honorary doctorate degrees. He will be greatly missed.